Terminus Npm

Terminus' terminal emulation core. Terminus Terminal Plugin. Terminal tabs; terminal frontends; session management. Added a popup to easy reconnect a disconnected terminal session - Removed Terminal Snippets resize bar for easier interaction with the terminal's scroll bar.

A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications, heavily inspired by Angular.


This module contains integrated healthchecks for Nest. These healthchecks run in an internal execution manager based on the Terminus-package.



Terminus Npm List

In order to install @nestjs/terminus you must install @godaddy/terminus - the library which will be usedto execute the healthchecks.

@nestjs/terminus integrates with a lot of cool technologies, such as typeorm, grpc, mongodb, and many more!In most cases you do not want to install all the optional dependencies which would be needed for these integrations.Therefore we highly recommend to use the --no-optional option. In case you have missed a dependency, @nestjs/terminuswill throw an error and prompt you to install the required dependency. So you will only install what is actually required!

Terminus Means


Import the Terminus module with the following options for a healthcheck with a database health inidcator.

If everything is set up correctly, you can access the healthcheck on http://localhost:3000/health.

For more information, see docs or internal documentation. You can find further samples in the samples/ folder of this repository.


Terminus Mac

Nest is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support by the amazing backers. If you'd like to join them, please read more here.

Stay in touch

  • Author - Kamil Myƛliwiec and Livio Brunner
  • Website - https://nestjs.com
  • Twitter - @nestframework


Nest is MIT licensed.