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“You look on in horror, helpless and desperate. You have nowhere to go. You’re trapped on a ship of fools.” —From the Introduction

Ship of Fools

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  • 1 day ago  Political commentator Travis Akers posted the 1991 Trinity College yearbook photo of Carlson to Twitter. “Perhaps this is the story that @TuckerCarlson was trying to get ahead of.

5 hours ago  Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Friday that journalists acted like 'bodyguards for Jeff Bezos.' In an interview with news website Outkick, the primetime host said he 'really hated' reporters. Tucker Carlson is the host of FOX News Channel's Tucker Carlson Tonight (weekdays 8PM/ET).Read More. On his program each night, Carlson features powerful analysis and spirited debates with guests.

How a Selfish Ruling Class is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution.


  • Sep. 26, 2018 | 06:06

    Brett Kavanaugh and the Midterms

  • Sep. 26, 2018 | 06:03

    Tucker Takes on Liberal Radio Host Ethan Bearman

Tucker's Journal

  • ‘Melting Pot or Civil War’

    Sep. 26, 2018 | 06:01 - “It can’t possibly be just the Democrats,” Salam said, responded... Read More

  • Kavanaugh chaos — If you’re a Republican, you may be wondering why should I bother to vote?

    Sep. 26, 2018 | 04:59 - If you think the debate over Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to... Read More


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Host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight”, weeknights at 8 PM ET @FoxNews.

For many, the guilty verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial was a blessing — a rare instance in which a violent cop, who had been caught on video murdering George Floyd, was prosecuted for his wrongdoings. But for conservative commentators, it was a nightmare. Tuesday night saw one pundit after another losing their stuff. There was Greg Gutfeld blurting out his bizarre, “selfish” reason for liking the verdict. There was Ben Shapiro trolling. There was Tomi Lahren spouting nonsense. (For the record, Nancy Pelosi said some dumb stuff, too.)

Naturally, Tucker Carlson was not a disappointment. The Fox News star devoted a good chunk of his night’s show to the verdict. He claimed that the jury only voted guilty because they were afraid of Black Lives Matter protesters. He gave airtime to Candace Owens. He also spoke with Ed Gavin, a former corrections officer from New York City, but their chat ended prematurely when Gavin dared criticize Chauvin’s actions.

Tucker Carlson had a complete meltdown tonight in response to a former New York corrections officer who criticized Derek Chauvin for using excessive force on George Floyd. Here's how the interview (abruptly) ended. pic.twitter.com/mBOxrsbhaJ

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 21, 2021

Gavin said he thought Chauvin’s actions were “excessive” — a word that set Carlson off. He quickly interrupted him, saying, “The guy who did it looks like he’s doing to spend the rest of his life in prison. I’m kind of more worried about the rest of the country, thanks to police inaction, which if you haven’t noticed is boarded up.” He then abruptly launched into laughter that can only be called maniacal. He then suddenly cut Gavin off as he tried to elaborate, saying, “Nope. You’re done.”

The exchange prompted some unkind words for Mr. Carlson.

Rejected CIA candidate, Tucker Carlson, demonstrates why Christian Bale’s American Psycho Killer character is rumored to be based on him. pic.twitter.com/sUmLlItkoc

— Naveed Jamali (@NaveedAJamali) April 21, 2021

Never forget, Tucker Carlson knows that he is a weak, unimportant person propped up solely by family money and privilege.

He is abjectly terrified of the idea of a fair society because he knows he would cease to even exist without his unearned power. https://t.co/0wDTigK7ju

— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) April 21, 2021

The way in which Carlson short-circuits, laughs manically, and cuts off a guest who doesn't follow the party line on Chauvin (don't talk about what he did, but how unfairly he has been treated) is pretty telling. https://t.co/icqu2YVKhC

— Don Moynihan (@donmoyn) April 21, 2021

Some were concerned. Sort of

Whoa, apparent psychotic break https://t.co/ESkOAfE87Y

— David Pakman (@dpakman) April 21, 2021

To others, though, it was a blast.

Tucker Carlson had a complete meltdown tonight. How delightful! https://t.co/CfVnS63iAp

— Amy Siskind 🏳️‍🌈 (@Amy_Siskind) April 21, 2021

Eventually someone singled out Carlson’s mad laugh.


Tucker Carlson Twitter Storm

here you go america pic.twitter.com/56Jsjd2AqH

— Philip Bump (@pbump) April 21, 2021

And some postulated that perhaps Carlson doesn’t believe any of this, that it’s all performative, played for viewers for whom he has nothing but contempt.

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What fascinates me about Tucker Carlson and his ilk is the utter contempt they show for their audience…and the audience just happily goes along with it

Last Night On Tucker Carlson

— Asha Rangappa (@AshaRangappa_) April 21, 2021