Hs Tracker Mac

HearthArena.com is a website about Hearthstone Arena. It's best known by its Arena Drafting Tool that thousands of people use on a daily basis. In order to upload your collection, launch Hearthstone Deck Tracker or HSTracker along with Hearthstone. Click on the 'My Collection' button in Hearthstone, and after a few seconds, you should see a banner notifying you that it's been uploaded to our server.

Today almost any card game is accompanied by a handful of really useful additional software that can help its players do a little bit more progress towards the victory. Hearthstone is not the exception, and in this guide we will provide you with a few really useful addons and tools. All of them can be safely used and don’t break the rules of the game, but help organize your thinking and strategic process.

Of course, any other software that cheats the level system and gold earnings is prohibited, so we don’t recommend using any other additional software that is not on this list, unless you are absolutely sure.

In order to clarify any issues that might occur in the future here’s an official stance on such Hearthstone addons like Hearthstone Tracker and Hearthstone Deck Tracker, featured in this article, from Ben Brode, a senior game designer on Hearthstone.

@Darkyshor any app that duplicates what you can do with a pencil and paper already is fine.

— Ben Brode (@bdbrode) 14 сентября 2014

So, this means that any kind of software that does not intervene directly into the process of the game, but simply gathers data and analyzes it separately can be applied without you being afraid to get banned. Hopefully, this is clear enough, so let’s continue with what’s really interesting.

Hearthstone Tracker Addon

Hearthstone Tracker allows you to monitor the statistics of the game. For example, which deck has a greater win rate. It also helps choose the best deck within the current meta.

But most of all, it tracks your progress in the game, recording the following information about each match:

  • Your current hero
  • Your opponent’s hero
  • Current match mode
  • Duration of the match
  • Results (wins and losses)
  • Your current deck
  • Your starting point (first or second)
  • Number of moves within a match
  • The server you currently play on

By having all this data after each game, you can take notes, analyzing what went wrong or learn from the opponent’s deck, archetype, and style.

Your data can be graphically visualized in the form of charts, which are extremely helpful for understanding your progress in the game.

At the end of every match, you are invited to correct the data compiled by the software, as well as leave a note or a few in order to conduct a more thorough analysis.

Hs tracker hearthstone mac

Statistics can be viewed for a particular period of time, different game modes, grouped by your own hero or by your opponent’s hero, etc. You can combine and learn different types of decks, for example, a certain deck win rate against a particular class, and all this can be done in just a couple of clicks.

Hearthstone Tracker is very easy to use and requires no additional configuration - just install, play the game and watch the data coming in. You can download the addon on the Hearthstone Tracker website.

Hearthstone Deck Tracker Addon

Hearthstone Deck Tracker displays the state of your current deck. It also shows how much time is left until the end of the match and if there are any secrets to be revealed. It’s a very useful addon for beginners, but may be just as important for the old dogs.

When you run the software it will be visible in the form of an overlay on top of your Hearthstone match screen containing 5 key components:

  • Your deck. Showing which cards are left in your deck, the number of cards in your hand, how many cards remain in the deck and a chance to draw the next card that has one or two copies left.
  • Your opponent’s deck. Displays which cards have been already used, how many cards are left in the hand and in the deck, and if there’s any chance to pull in the right card.
  • Your opponent’s hand. Here, each card is signed by a number denoting the match during which a specific card has been taken. The labeling is as follows:
    • [M] - your opponent’s cards.
    • [C] - coin.
    • [S] - cards obtained by playing ' Thoughtsteal,' ' Mind Vision ', 'Webspinner', as well as cards such as “Dream”, “Bananas”, and spells from the “Lorewalker Cho.”
    • [R] - cards that returned into the hand of the opponent, by playing 'Shadowstep', 'Sap', 'Dream', 'Vanish' and ' Kidnapper.'
  • Timer. Tells you how much time is left until the end of the turn and the total time of your own moves and those of your opponent.
  • Secrets. Shows secrets that are available for a given class.

In order to add a deck, choose «New» in the top menu, then select the class and it will lead you to the menu for creating and editing the deck and a map that you can choose either from the list or simply by searching.

In the central part of the window you will see your current deck. If you want to add the second copy of the card - click the right mouse button, if you want to remove it – click the left one. Then, choose «Save» and now the software is fully configured.

You can downloadHearthstone Deck Tracker addon on Github.

Arena Mastery Webtool

Arena Mastery is a tracker for those who want to gather statistics of their Hearthstone Arena matches. The data includes an in-depth analysis of your current situation against a certain class, as well as your record with and without a coin.

This online utility is great to use with either your mobile phone or a tablet as you play. For example, you can play an Arena match on your PC or laptop and at the same time watch your statistics on your separate mobile device and adjust your gaming style accordingly.

  • Class-specific statistics. Get separate data sheet on each of your classes and their individual progress. Highlights are based on a comparison to the overall average number of wins and losses per Arena.
  • Overall record against each class. The same as above, but now the comparison is made against each class of your opponents.
  • Average number of rewards for each level. This segment allows you to gather all your awards earned during all of the Arena matches and compares them by significance.
  • Arena history. Just a simple stat giving you a historical overview of all your matches.

You can use Arena Mastery tools by registering on the website.

Hearth Arena Webtool

Hearth Arena is another great tool for Hearthstone, but this time it’s all about helping you draft the best arena deck. The developers have released a new version specifically designed for the latest TGT expansion. Now you can easily get hold of all the necessary data in order to gather the best and most effective deck for Arena matches.

There are certain tabs that will help you out. Here they are:

  • Deck coverage. In this tab you can evaluate the reach of your deck. You can compare different decks and see their highlights, from board clears to survivability.
  • Synergies. Here, you can decide which combos will fit the best for your decks. This will significantly change your results if you do this before entering a match.
  • Archetype. In this tab, you will get access to the special algorithm that can help you understand your specific arena deck's game style better, helping you play to the deck's strengths.
Hs Tracker Mac

Hs Deck Tracker Mac

  • Stats-tracking. Just a simple stat tracker of your progress. This is where you learn from your own mistakes.
  • Dynamic card values. Another great algorithm that can help you identify and adapt certain cards that will push you forward to another victory.

In addition to all this, you can get an expert drafting advice from ADWCTA and Merps.

You can register for Hearth Arena online.

TL;DR: What is Bob’s Buddy? Bob’s Buddy is a new feature of the Hearthstone Deck Tracker that helps players better understand how likely they are to win, lose or tie each combat round in Battlegrounds and their relative strength to other players in the lobby.

The outcome of a combat round in Battlegrounds can swing heavily based on just a few attacks. What seemed like an easy victory could turn into a crushing loss off of a single errant ping from a Soul Juggler. Parsing through this randomness to analyze your actual chances and understand your true strength relative to your opponent is no easy feat. That’s where Bob’s Buddy comes in.

Bob’s Buddy takes your and your opponent’s board and simulates upwards of 10,000 combats until we are able to accurately predict it. We then take those results and show how likely you are to win, lose or tie in that combat, as well as how likely you are to have lethal or be eliminated by your opponent. This all usually happens in the blink of an eye.

Take the following board as an example:

Bob’s Buddy would take this board and simulate this combat according to the rules of Battlegrounds. The possible outcomes in this case are:

  • If the friendly player attacks first, the 3/1 Fiendish Servant attacks the Vulgar Homunculus and then the 2/1 Fiendish Servant attacks the Dire Wolf Alpha. Lich King wins. (50% chance)
  • If Lich King attacks first and the 2/1 Fiendish Servant attacks the 3/1 Fiendish Servant, and the Dire Wolf Alpha, now a 5/2, attacks the Vulgar Homunculus. It’s a tie. (25% chance)
  • If Lich King attacks first and the 2/1 Fiendish Servant attacks the 2/2 Dire Wolf Alpha, and then the 3/1 Fiendish Servant attacks the Vulgar Homunculus. Lich King wins. (25% chance)

So the Lich King wins this combat 75% of the time and there’s a tie the other 25%. In the screenshot above, Bob’s Buddy shows 25.2% and 74.8% because Bob’s Buddy runs thousands of simulations to converge on the most reliable estimate. In that screenshot 252 times there was a tie, and 748 times there was a loss.

Now that board was pretty simple, and it’s easy to calculate all the different outcomes. But what about this one?

This board is nowhere near as trivial to predict all the different outcomes. In this instance, the friendly player won the combat and dealt lethal damage to their opponent, even though the likelihood of that happening was fairly low. With the help of Bob’s Buddy, this player would know that they got lucky in this combat, instead of erroneously thinking that their board was stronger than their opponent’s, which could lead to sub-optimal decisions in future turns.

How can I get Bob's Buddy?

Bob’s Buddy is currently in Beta and is available for free to all Hearthstone Deck Tracker users, and can be disabled/enabled and customized directly from the settings panel. If you don’t have Hearthstone Deck Tracker yet, you can download it to access Bob’s Buddy and a host of other Battlegrounds (and classic Hearthstone) features.

Hstracker Mac

If you’re interested in more Battlegrounds statistics, subscribe to Tier7 to learn more about the best Heroes and Compositions, when to tavern up, how to position your minions and much more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How accurate is Bob’s Buddy?

A: Very. By using HSReplay.net’s library of uploaded Battlegrounds games, we have run tens of thousands of combat rounds through Bob’s Buddy and compared the predicted results to the actual results to guarantee that it meets our internal quality thresholds.

Hs Deck Tracker Pour Mac

This is a graph of Bob’s Buddy’s accuracy. Each point represents a group of hundreds of combat rounds for which Bob’s Buddy had similar predictions. They are grouped according to what percentage of the time Bob’s Buddy predicted they would win; this determines their place on the x-axis. Then we check what percentage of those rounds were actually won in real life. This determines the dot’s placement on the y-axis. If Bob’s Buddy is accurate, then for example, we would expect that 60% of the combat rounds were actually won, for the bucket of combat rounds where Bob’s Buddy predicted a 60% chance to win. As you can see from the resulting chart, that all the dots are very close to the Y = X line, confirming that Bob’s Buddy is indeed accurate.

Q: How do you handle infinite loops?

A: Infinite loops are not possible in Battlegrounds. Ghastcoiler can’t summon itself and Sneed’s Old Shredder can’t summon Ghastcoiler, since it isn’t a Legendary minion. The closest thing to an infinite loop is both players having 0 attack minions or no minions at all, in which case Bob’s Buddy would recognize that as a guaranteed tie.

Q: Does it take into account Akazamzarak’s secrets?

A: It does if you are playing as Akazamzarak, but not if you are playing against it. We will be adding support for this in the future. Currently when you face Akazamzarak, if there are any secrets in play Bob’s Buddy will deactivate and not provide results for that combat round.

Q: Will this help me improve in the game?

A: We hope so. By being aware of how strong/weak your board is compared to your opponents’, you will have a better idea of how the decisions you’ve made so far have impacted your chances of winning combat, and will help you decide when (and if) you should be tiering up. Over time, we hope this helps you develop your intuition about how powerful your warbands are.

Q: Does this give players an unfair advantage?

A: We don’t believe it does. Bob’s Buddy only provides you with information about your combat performance after combat has begun when you can no longer make any gameplay decisions. We do hope that using it over time will help you become a better player!

Q: Is Bob Buddy's available on Mac?

A: Yes! As of October 1st, 2020 Bob's Buddy is also available on Mac.

Q: Does Bob's Buddy work in Spectator Mode?

Hs Tracker Mac Battlegrounds

A: Yes!

Special thanks to Purple, Firebat, and SirSalty, and my personal friends Ben Bunze and Jake Oxendine, who were incredibly helpful and supportive in the early stages of developing Bob's Buddy. Thanks also to all the testers who helped us get it this far.