Funny And Farsi

  1. Funny Far Side Cartoons

Funny in Farsi Essay 726 Words 3 Pages. Justin Barney Psy 41 Professor Strahan Funny in Farsi Analysis The focus of this paper is an analysis of the book Funny in Farsi by Firoozeh Dumas using concepts from the Lives Across Cultures textbook. Ten concepts are. An unforgettable story of identity, discovery, and the power of family love, Funny in Farsi will leave us all laughing without an accent. ©2003 Firoozeh Dumas (P)2004 Audible, Inc. What listeners say about Funny in. Graveyard Lyrics: It's crazy when / The thing you love the most is the detriment / Let that sink in / You can think again / When the hand you wanna hold is a weapon and / You're nothin' but skin.

Trying to find some Farsi phrases? Below we have listed many useful expressions including: Greeting Phrases | Farewell Expressions | Holidays and Wishes | How to Introduce Yourself | Romance and Love Phrases | Solving a Misunderstanding | Asking for Directions | Emergency Survival Phrases | Hotel Restaurant Travel Phrases | Daily Expressions | Cuss Words (Polite) | Writing a Letter | Short Expressions and words

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Farsi Phrases

Enjoy these Farsi expressions, but don't forget to bookmark this page for future reference.

EnglishFarsi Phrases
GreetingSalam va ashnai
Good morning!Sobh bekheir
Good afternoon!Baad az zohr bekheir
Good evening!Asr bekheir
Welcome! (to greet someone)Khosh amadid
Hello my friend!Salam dooet e man
How are you? (friendly)Hal e shoma chetoor ast
How are you? (polite)Chetoori
I'm fine, thank you!Man khoobam ,mersi
And you? (friendly)Tu chetoori
And you? (polite)Va shoma
Not so goodNa kheili khoob
Long time no seeKheili vaghte ke too ra nadidam
I missed youDelam barat tang shoodeh
What's new?Cheh khabar
Nothing newHich khabar
Thank you (very much)!Mersi,mamnoon,(kheili mamnoon)
You're welcome! (for 'thank you')Khahesh mikonam
My pleasureBa kamale meil
Come in! (or: enter!)Bia too!
Make yourself at home!Inja khaneh shomast
Farewell ExpressionsEstelahate rayej baraye khodahafezi
Have a nice day!Rooze khoobi dashteh bashid
Good night!Shab bekheir
Good night and sweet dreams!Shab bekheir va khabhaye shirin
See you later!Baadan shoma ra bebinam
See you soon!Bezoodi shoma ra bebinam
See you tomorrow!Farda shoma ra bebinam
Good bye!Khodahafez
Have a good trip!Mosaferate khoobi dashteh bashid
I have to goMan bayad beravam
I will be right back!Barmigardam
Holidays and WishesBaraye kasi chizi arezoo kardan
Good luck!Moafagh bashid
Happy birthday!Tavaloodat mobarak
Happy new year!Sale noo mobarak
Merry Christmas!Krismass mobarak
Happy EidSale noo mobarak
Happy NowroozEide shoma mobarak
Enjoy! (or: bon appetit)Nooshejan
Bless you (when sneezing)Afiat bashad
Best wishes!Ba behtarin arezooha
Cheers! (or: to your health)Be salamati
Accept my best wishesBehtarin arezoohayemara bepazir
How to Introduce YourselfChetoorkhoodra moarefi konid
What's your name?Esme shoma chist
My name is (John Doe)Esme man ...ast
Nice to meet you!Azdidane shoma khoshhalam
Where are you from?Kojai hastid(ahle kodam keshvarhastid)
I'm from (the U.S/ Iran)Man ahle …(u.s.a/iran) hastam
I'm (American/ Iranian)Man amrikai/parsi hastam
Where do you live?Koja zendegi mikonid
I live in (the U.S/ Iran)Man dar(u.s.a) zendegi mikonam
Do you like it here?Aya anja ra doost darid?
Iran is a beautiful countryIran keshvarezibai ast
What do you do for a living?Shogle shoma chist?
I'm a (teacher/ student/ engineer)Shogle man (moalem,daneshjoo,mohandes)ast
Do you speak (English/ Persian)?Aya englisi parsi sohbat mikonid
Just a littleFaghat yek kam
I like PersianMan zabane parsi ra doostdaram
I'm trying to learn PersianMan saay mikonam parsi yadbegiram
It's a hard languageZabane sakhti ast
It's an easy languageAn zabane asani ast
Oh! That's good!Ah!khoob ast
Can I practice with you?Aya mi tavanam ba shoma tamrin konam
I will try my best to learnMan say mikonam ke yad begiram
How old are you?Shoma chand sal darid?
I'm (twenty one, thirty two) years oldMan (bist o yek saleh,si o doo saleh)hastam
It was nice talking to you!Sohabat bashoma jalebbood(azsohbat ba shoma khoshhal shodam)
It was nice meeting you!Az didane shoma khoshhal shodam
Mr.../ Mrs. .../ Miss...Aghaye ...,khanome...,dooshizeh
This is my wifeIn hamsar e (zan e )man ast
This is my husbandIn shohare man ast
Say hi to Thomas for meAz tarfe man betomas salam beresanid
Romance and Love PhrasesEshg
Are you free tomorrow evening?Aya farda asr vaght darid
I would like to invite you to dinnerMan mayelam shoma ra be sham davat konam
You look beautiful! (to a woman)Shoma khoshgel (ziba) hastid !baraye zan
You have a beautiful nameShoma esme zibai darid
Can you tell me more about you?Mishavad bishtar az khodetan begooid
Are you married?Aya ezdevaj kardehid?
I'm singleMan mojarad hastam
I'm marriedMan moteahel hastam
Can I have your phone number?Aya mitavanam shomareh telephone shoma ra dashteh basham?
Can I have your email?Aya mitavanam e-maile shoma ra dashte basham
Do you have any pictures of you?Aya axi az khodatdari?
Do you have children?Aya farzanddarid?
Would you like to go for a walk?Doost darid ba ham ghadam bezanim?
I like youShoma ra doost daram(polite form)tu ra doost daram
I love youMan asheghe shoma hastam
You're very special!Shoma kheili makhsoos hastid
You're very kind!Shoma kheili mehraban hastid
I'm very happyMan kheili khoshhalam
Would you marry me?Aya meil darid ke ba man ezdevaj konid
I'm just kiddingShookhi mikonam
I'm seriousJedi migooyam
My heart speaks the language of loveGhalbam ba zabane eshgh sohbat mikonad
Solving a MisunderstandingHale yek soetafahom
Sorry! (or: I beg your pardon!)Bebakhshid
Sorry (for a mistake)Bebakhshid
No problem!Mohem nist
Can you repeat please?Aya mitavanid tekrar konid
Can you speak slowly?Aya mitavanid yavash sohbat konid
Can you write it down?Ayamitavanid an ra benevisid?
Did you understand what I said?Aya motevajeh shodid
I don't understand!Motevajeh nemishavam
I don't know!Nemidanam
What's that called in Persian?Be farsi che mishavad
What does that word mean in English?An kalameh be englisi che mishavad?
How do you say 'thanks' in Persian?Thank you 'be farsi che mishavad
What is this?In chist?
My Persian is badFarsi man bad ast
Don't worry!Negaran nabash
I agree with youMan ba shoma movafegham
Is that right?Aya an dorost ast?
Is that wrong?Ayaan eshtabah ast?
What should I say?Che bayad begoyam?
I just need to practiceMan faghat niaz be tamrin daram
Your Persian is goodFarsi e shoma khoob ast
I have an accentMan lahjeh daram(manzoor in ast ke shoma nemitavanid begooid ke man irani hastam
You don't have an accentShoma lahje nadarid(manzoor:lahjeh shoma shabihe mast)
Asking for DirectionsDar khaste komak va rah porsidan
Excuse me! (before asking someone)Bebakgshid
I'm lostMan gom shodeham
Can you help me?Aya mitavanid be man komak konid?
Can I help you?Aya mitavanam be shoma komak konam?
I'm not from hereMan ahle inja nistam
How can I get to (this place, this city)? Che tor mi tavanambe(in mahal,in shahr )beresam?
Go straightMostaghim beravid
ThenBaad az zohr bekheir
Turn leftBe chap bepichid
Turn rightBe rast bepichid
Can you show me?Aya mitavanid be man neshan dahid
I can show you!Mitavanam neshan daham!
Come with me!Ba man bia(friendly form),ba man biaid(polite form)
How long does it take to get there?Cheghadr tool mikeshad ta be anja beresam?
Downtown (city center)Markaze shahr
Historic center (old city)Markaze tarikhi
It's near hereAn nazdike injast
It's far from hereAn door az injast
Is it within walking distance?Aya piadeh mitavan be anja resid?
I'm looking for Mr. SmithMan be donbale aghaye esmith migardam
One moment please!Yek lahzeh lotfan
Hold on please! (when on the phone)Lotfan khat ra negah darid
He is not hereOo inja nist
Bus stationIstgahe autobus
Train stationIstgahe gatar
Emergency Survival PhrasesUrgence va ebarate lazem baraye ebgha
Watch out! (or: be alert!)Moazeb bash!
Call the police!Police raseda konid!
Call a doctor!Doktor ra seda konid!
Call the ambulance!Ambulance ra seda konid
Are you okay?Haletan khoob ast?
I feel sickMan mariz hastam
I need a doctorMan be doktor niaz daram
Food poisoningMasmoumiate ghazi
Where is the closest pharmacy?Nazdiktarin daroukhaneh kojast
It hurts hereInja dard mikonad
It's urgent!In fori(urgence)ast
Calm down!Aram shoo
You will be okay!Tu khoub khahi shod
Can you help me?Aya mitavani be man komak koni?
Can I help you?Aya mitavanam be shoma komak konam?
Hotel Restaurant Travel PhrasesEbarat e marbout be safar va hotel va restaurant
I have a reservation (for a room)Man yek(otagh) reserve kardeham
Do you have rooms available?Aya otaghe amadeh darid,
With shower / With bathroomBa doush/ba hamam
I would like a non-smoking roomMayelam yek otaghe gheir sigari begiram
What is the charge per night?Kerayeh otagh shabi cheghadr ast
I'm here on business /on vacationMan baraye kar inja hastam/man baraye tatilat inja hastam
Do you accept credit cards?Aya carte credit ghaboul mikonid
I'd like to rent a carMayelam yek machin ejareh konam
How much will it cost?Hazineh an cheghadr ast?
A table for (one / two) please!Yek miz baraye yek/do nafar
Is this seat taken?Aya in sandali ra gereftehand?
I'm vegetarianMan giahkhar hastam
I don't eat porkMan khook nemikhoram
I don't drink alcoholMan alkol neminousham
What's the name of this dish?Esme in gaza chist?
Waiter / waitress!Garson/khanom garson
Can we have the check please?Aya mitavanim menu ra bebinim?
It is very delicious!In besiar khoshmazeh ast
I don't like itMan in ra doost nadaram
Shopping ExpressionsEbaratemarbout be kharid
How much is this?In cheh gheimat ast
I'm just lookingFaghat mikhaham negah konam
I don't have changeMan poole khoord nadaram
This is too expensiveIn besiar geran ast
Daily ExpressionsEbarate moorede estefadeh
What time is it?Saat cheghadr ast?
It's 3 o'clockSa,at 3ast
Give me this!In ra be man bedahid
Are you sure?Aya motmaen hasti?hastid(polite)?
Take this! (when giving something)In ra begirid
It's freezing (weather)Havayakh zadeh
It's cold (weather)Hava sard ast
It's hot (weather)Hava garm ast
Do you like it?Aya an ra doust dari?
I really like it!Man vagha,an an ra doust daram!
I'm hungryMan gorosneh hastam
I'm thirstyMan teshneham
He is funnyOu khandehdarast
In The MorningSobhvaght
In the eveningVaghte asr
At NightVaghte shab
Hurry up!Ajale kon
Cuss Words (polite)
This is nonsense! (or: this is craziness)In bimani ast!
My God! (to show amazement)Khodaye man
What's wrong with you?Shoma ra cheh mishavad?
Are you crazy?Aya divaneh hasti,
Get lost! (or: go away!)Gom shoo!
Leave me alone!Man ra tanhabegzar!
I'm not interested!Man alaghemand nistam!
Writing a Letter
Dear JohnJohn e aziz
My trip was very niceMosaferate man besiarkhoob bood
The culture and people were very interestingFarhang va mardom besiar jaleb boud
I had a good time with youMan vaghte khoobi ba shoma dashtam
I would love to visit your country againDoust daram keshvaretan ra doobareh bebinam
Don't forget to write me back from time to timeFaramoosh nakon keh bazi vaghtha beh man nameh bedahi
Short Expressions and wordsEbarat va estelahate kootah
So-so (or: not bad not good)Na khoob,na bad
NoNa khoob,na bad
ThisIn besiar geran ast
ThatAn door az injast
HereInja dard mikonad
Me (ie. Who did this? - Me)Man (bist o yek saleh,si o doo saleh)hastam
HimOu khandehdarast
HerOu khandehdarast
UsMan (bist o yek saleh,si o doo saleh)hastam
Look!Negah kon!
When?Key?cheh vaght?

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Funny in Farsi: Book Review the first alliterative words of the title, Funny in Farsi establishes a hilarious tone, which continues throughout each chapter of the memoir. Firoozeh Dumas began to write Funny in Farsi as a personal memoir, but later realized that she shared the memoir with her father, Kazem. The memoir follows Dumas and her family during the 1970s, after they emigrate from Iran to the United States. Each chapter of the book describes a new adventure, or problem, for the family, usually involved with their assimilation into the American culture. Although Dumas' tone remains mostly funny throughout the book, some of the chapters describe the struggle, and even pain of emigrating from Iran. Overall, Funny in Farsi presents a new side of immigrants from the Middle East countries, a refreshing side, less familiar to Western readers, and gives a positive view of both Iran and the United States.
Funny in Farsi begins with Dumas and her family's first days in America, trying to learn English, as well as the entire American culture. Although Kazem, her father, studied for graduate school in Texas, his English consisted of engineering terms, and provided little help for his family. Once established, the family goes on many adventures, from Disneyland to Bowling for Dollars and shares many humorous mishaps associated with the gap between Iranian and American culture. Kazem's love of Disneyland brought the entire family, with countless guests, to the theme park countless time. However, when Firoozeh lost her family at Disneyland, at age seven, she experienced her first realization of the ignorance of Americans, expressing her sarcastic view, “Despite the belief of most Westerners that all Middle Easterners look alike,” when a Disney employee asked her to talk with another lost foreign child who spoke no English. As Iranian immigrants during the 1970's, even in California, Dumas and her family seem like outsiders. However, Funny in Farsi establishes a new tone, facing adaptation, and American culture with humor. The family blends into American culture, with a refreshing open-mindedness, still keeping some Iranian traditions, but also accepting, for example, Kentucky Fried Chicken over a decadent Persian meal when they realize the impossibility of cooking without servants. Not without its serious moments, Funny in Farsi also describes some of the prejudice in American during the 1970's. In the chapter, I ran and I ran and I ran Dumas especially addresses the issue of prejudice, through the visit of the shah, when protesters attacked the entire Iranian crowd along with Dumas and her family, while they listened to the shah's speech. Dumas gracefully addresses delicate issues, such as the Islamic faith, using Kazem's wise words, as he explains his love of ham but also his faith as a Muslim, for her view of religions: “It's not what we eat or don't eat that makes us good people; it's how we treat one another.” Dumas and her family successfully establish a balance between Iranian and American cultures, inspiring the reader to be open to new cultures, and face the world with humor rather than violence.
Funny in Farsi establishes a new view of immigrants from the Middle East, and the region as a whole, showing a humorous side of the people indigenous to that region. In addition to the positive views of the Middle East, Dumas also writes with an affirmative view of America from the perspective of an immigrant, incorporating the theme of immigrant assimilation, and showing universal difficulties, still relevant today. Although books regarding the Middle East often skew toward either the Middle East or the United States, Dumas shares love for both parts of the world. Funny in Farsi appeals universally, a best seller in Iran, as well as in the United States. By writing such a charming, and funny book, Dumas creates a refreshing view of each nation, for the other nation. Dumas also highlights her father's words, “How said it is that people so easily hate an entire population simply because of the actions of a few,” and brings to attention the bias established regarding the Middle East. Funny in Farsi brings about a new genre, Pro-Middle East and Pro-American, sharing her memoir to create identifiable issues for immigrants, but also to show her love of America. The humor in Funny in Farsi connects all the topics Dumas addresses, making the book a light read, with a lasting impact.
Although her first work, Dumas' Funny in Farsi shows promising writing, and her second book, Laughing Without an Accent, is currently in publishing. Funny in Farsi was published by Random House in 2003, and is sold for $12.95.

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Funny Far Side Cartoons